The USHBC’s Bluetiful Mission
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council is an agriculture promotion group made up of blueberry growers, marketers and importers in North and South America, who work together to research, innovate and promote the fruits of their labors as well as the growth and well-being of the entire blueberry industry. The blueberry industry is committed to providing blueberries that are grown, harvested, packed and shipped in clean, safe environments.
Looking for the 411 on blueberry facts? We’ve got you covered. Check out these blueberry facts that will bring you up to speed on everything you need to know about these little blue dynamos.
Find out where blueberries grow and how they traveled from farm to table 100 years ago.
And whether you like them fresh, frozen, dried, freeze dried or canned, blueberries jump to the front of the line when it comes to convenience, versatility and good nutrition.
Discover how winter fresh blueberries make it easy to incorporate fresh, nutritious flavor into your menus all year round.
Gather tips for buying, handling and freezing blueberries, and visit the Blueberry Picking page to find a local farm where you can pick your own blueberries!
And don’t miss the Healthy Living section, where you will learn about nutritional blueberry facts, including the calories, fiber and carbs in blueberries.
Blueberry season means long, hot summer days with icy-cold lemonade. Blueberry season also means scarves and steaming-hot muffins. Fresh flowers and fresh blueberry salads. Tailgates and blueberry guacamole. Because every season is blueberry season! Here is a link to innovative blueberry recipes.
Blueberry cravings don’t follow a calendar. You can enjoy fresh blueberries year-round! The North American blueberry season and harvest runs from April to late September. Then, imports from in South America fill the grocery store shelves from October to March. In our winter, they’re experiencing sunny summer – perfect for harvesting blueberries. It’s always summer somewhere, so you get twelve months of plump, juicy blueberry bliss.
Living a healthy and happy life often begins with eating well. But between work, exercise and family, health-conscious food decisions can slip through the cracks. The good news is, blueberries can help.
There’s a lot of buzz about blueberries and how this little berry can play a big part in a healthier you. We’re here to help sort out the facts! From information on the calories in blueberries and fiber in blueberries, to the health benefits of blueberries and the scientific research that is investigating the role that blueberries may play in promoting good health.
For one little berry there’s a whole lot to cover, so here’s the skinny on blueberry nutrition: 1
Calories in Blueberries
Blueberries contain 80 calories per serving, which is one cup.
Fiber in Blueberries
With 3.6 grams of fiber per serving, blueberries help you meet your daily recommended intake of fiber.
Carbs in Blueberries
Blueberries contain naturally occurring sugars and fiber, which are both carbohydrates.
Vitamins and Minerals in Blueberries
Blueberries contribute vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese, making them a good choice to help meet nutrient needs.
For more in depth information and scientific research on blueberries, check out our US Highbush Blueberry Council website and blueberry health tips and blueberry health research.